Edelmar Morales-Rivera
Edelmar Morales-Rivera
Class Year
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Why Carthage?
“I chose Carthage because it was local and gave off a community atmosphere. One of the things that confirmed my attendance was that I earned the Mahone Fund Carthage scholarship.”
Faculty mentors
“Carthage faculty helped me find my passions. If I didn’t ask so many questions throughout my years here, I would have no idea what I want to do after graduation. Communicating with faculty allowed me to succeed in my classes and in my career.”
Favorite class
“My favorite class so far is Advanced 4D because I had a lot of freedom in creating my art projects, and I learned a lot from Professor Jojin Van Winkle.”
Toughest class
“The toughest class I had so far is Organic Chemistry I. I took it during the COVID-19 pandemic and Zoom era, when learning was harder for most.”
Campus involvement
“I am affiliated with the Carthage track and field team and the Philharmonic Orchestra. The track and field team is my second family and a good friend group. We’ve been through many uphill battles together.
“I was involved in the Carthage Philharmonic my freshman, sophomore, and senior year. As a musician, I’ve always loved being around people who enjoy music and who have fun while making it.”
Internships or campus employment
“I had two internships that were video editing/Photoshop-related. As a student videographer at Carthage, I created videos and interviewed people. I also did an internship for JTV Entertainment, where I did mainly Photoshop work, with one video editing project. Both internships were great experiences that taught me about cameras, deadlines, client communication on video/photo projects, and more.”
Career goal
“I hope to become a video editor for a business, group, or individual at whatever level is needed. I want to gain enough experience to the point where I never have to search for a gig or job in the video editing industry.”
Favorite spot on campus
“My favorite spot on campus is the Hedberg Library. It is a spot to nap, study, eat food, and meet friends. You might think the library is super boring, but it’s actually another social gathering spot.”
Favorite memory
“My favorite Carthage moments and memories include me just being me. Whether it be something crazy I posted on Snapchat that my track team would talk about or hanging out with some friends on the weekend just chilling and being goofballs, I will always carry that vibe with me after I graduate.”
Biggest surprise
“The biggest surprise was that I changed my major from biology to communication my junior year and still found a way to graduate within four years.”
Advice for other students in your major?
“Other students should consider my major because there is flexibility in studying communication. You can take classes in speaking, graphic design, video editing, and more. The advice I have for other students is to always dive into whatever you’re most passionate about. You’ll enjoy what you’re doing in your chosen field that much more.”
What would your 8-year-old self think of you now?
“My 8-year-old self would think I am headed in the right direction. Life threw me some curveballs, but I’m happy in my career path now, and my 8-year-old self would appreciate that.”